India Blue
(Pavo cristatus)

India Blue Peafowl are the most well known peafowl and the most commonly found here in the US. These were the birds that the early civilizations looked upon as treasure and transported throughout their known world. Today they are the least expensive to purchase and are a good choice for the beginning peafowl raiser or breeder.
Peacock Coloration: India Blue peacocks have a blue chest, neck, and head, with green and gold feathers that appear to change colors depending on how light hits them, with "eye" spots of bronze and "peacock blue." Their shoulders are white and black striped, not solid black like those of blackshoulders.
Peahen Coloration: Peahens are much more drab than the males. They are a brownish-gray color with a white underside and some greenish irascent coloring on the neck.
Peachick Coloration: Peachicks rather resemble turkey poults in size and coloration.
Origin: India Blue peafowl are found in the wild in India and its surrounding areas such as Burma, Java, and Malaya.
Do they breed true?: Yes, since India Blue is a species and not a mutation they always breed true.

One day old India Blue peachick
One day old peachick; photo courtesy of Jane Smith.

Two day old India Blue peachick
Two day old peachick; photo courtesy of me.

Mature India Blue peahen
Mature India Blue peahen; photo courtesy of me.

Two year old India Blue male, tail spred
India Blue male at age 2, tail spread; photo courtesy of me.

Three year old India Blue male, tail unspread
India Blue male at age 3, tail unspread; photo coutesy of me.

Three year old India Blue male, tail spread
India Blue male at age 3, tail spread; photo courtesy of me.

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This page last modified on Tuesday, July 9th, 2002
Amy's Peacock Paradise & the Peafowl Varieties Database are © Amy Miller 2000-2002
This page set was created by Becky's Graphic Grab Bag
All other images are © by their original owners and are credited accordingly