My Awards

I am very honored to receive these awards. Thanks again to all those who believed my site was worthy of them. If you have a little time, please check out some of the wonderful sites they came from.
This one will always be special because it is the first award I received for this site. This award was given to me by the creator of this site's original background, which it had for over a year.
July 5, 2000 |
I received this award from a really nice site about three ragdoll cats. It's a great site to check out if you have the time. July 6, 2000 |
This was from a site all about guinea pigs. Another great site to visit. July 7, 2000 |
This award is extra special to me because the world of fantasy is another one of my strong interests. July 7, 2000 |
Another of the many great pet sites on the web. Thanks again birdboy. July 7, 2000 |
Thanks for the cute award! July 7, 2000 |
This one was a little more difficult than some to win, so I was a little surprised at getting it. Thanks! July 9, 2000 |
J   Amy's Peacock Paradise   J |
has won PetBunny's Spectacular Pet Site Award! |
© PetBunny |
Another great pet award from a great site! July 9, 2000 |
This award came from a great wildlife site, and it can't be more true, I am an animal lover. Thanks! July 11, 2000 |
Another award that was a little more difficult to win. I am proud to have it. August 22, 2000 |
I earned this award from one of my great Fantasy Fights supporters. Thanks! September 16, 2000 |
Another award from one of my supporters. Thanks Tina! September 23, 2000 |
This was left in my guestbook, but I just had to put it on my page. It is so beautiful. September 26, 2000 |
Another nice award from one of my supporters. October 2, 2000 |
I came upon Sandra's site when she was in a web competition. Although she's not currently competing, her site is great and definitely worth a visit. October 8, 2000 |
This page last modified on Saturday, June 8th, 2002
Amy's Peacock Paradise is © Amy Miller 2000-2002