My Peafowl Photo Galleries

Peafowl are very photogenic and are beautiful to look at. Between that and the fact that once I get started I will just snap digital pictures obsessively, I have quite a collection of photos you can view. I hope you enjoy looking at them. At the moment, my gallery is quite outdated, but I promise to get a few new sets of pictures up as soon as I can.
I've broken the pictures down into many different pages to cut down loading time, but it still takes awhile. Sorry about that, but I don't like to decrease the size of the photos too much or it takes much of the color and detail away. I hope you enjoy looking at my wonderful peafowl.
Gallery One- View pictures of Pete and Polly at age 2 |
Gallery Two- More pictures of Pete and Polly at age 2 |
Gallery Three- Pictures of all my various peafowl in their first year |
More photos coming soon!

This page last modified on Saturday, July 6th, 2002
Amy's Peacock Paradise is © Amy Miller 2000-2002