Peafowl Links

There are a lot of really great peafowl sites out there on the web, and if you can't find something you need on my site, they may be the place to turn. I have tried to gather as many as I could find on this page, dividing them into categories and providing brief descriptions to help you find what you need. If you have a peacock related site that you want others to see, you can send me an email or sign my guestbook and give me your site name and URL and I'll happily add your site to this page. And feel free to link to my site too.
United Peafowl Association
The United Peafowl Association is a great source of information on peafowl. Although under construction, it has a great design and many great sections are available. Some of these sections include a breeders directory (a very useful tool if you are searching for peafowl to buy), a knowledge base full very good information of different types, and classified ads.

- Susan's Wild Peacock World
A great information site that has lots of facts and photos on some areas of peafowl raising not covered on most websites. Some of these special areas include a section on peacock feathers, a page on peafowl noises, descriptions of peafowl hazards and predators, and information about peafowls' sometimes unfortunate interaction with flowers.
- Surfing Bangalore - Peacock
A very unique and interesting site about peafowl that does not focus on
domesticated peafowl in North America, but instead on the wild peafowl
found in India. This site shows a different side of peafowl and has a lot of
facts not found on most sites about how peafowl are looked upon in India
and how they interact in the wild
- Feathersite
This is a very nice site that has lots of information, and a few pages with
good descriptions and photos of certain varieties of peafowl. It also has a
few video clips you can watch to see different aspects of peafowl behavior.
- The Game Bird and Waterfowl's Pheasants & Peafowl Page
Although this site is mostly about pheasants, it has a good fact sheet on
each of the three natural types of peafowl, India Blue, Green, and Congo.
There is also a page on the many "mutations" and a very large photo gallery
of peafowl pics.
Peafowl Informational Sites
- Jim's Peacock Page
A very nice site that has a lot of peafowl information with many very nice
photos. It also includes a few links.
- The Birth of A Peachick
A unique and interesting site about a peafowl egg's development and the
chick's hatching and early growth. This site has lots of good information
about peachicks and hatching peafowl eggs, as well as nice pictures.
- Common (Indian) Peafowl
The site includes a basic fact sheet about peafowl, but then also includes a
little more in depth information, and a nice "Did You Know?" page.
- Peacock -- Keeping and Breeding the India Blue and Green Peacock
A nice page with a good overall description of peafowl information. It covers
most of the very important areas of info; description, behavior, habitat, care
tips, and much more.
- Celeste Writes About Peafowl
The owner of the site tells her own peafowl experiences and relates her
knowledge of these birds she has gained through raising them.
- Anacoda Peafowl
A nice site that includes pictures of many of the rarer and hard to find
varieties such as Oaten, Emerald Spaulding, and Silver Pied.
- Chaney's Peafowl
A nice site with peafowl for sale. It has very nice photos and great
descriptions of four varieties, Silver Pieds, Java Green, Cameo White Eyed, and Buford Bronze.
- Peacock Crazy
This is a very nice personal site that contains many pictures of the webmasters peafowl and information about their growth. It has many pictures of peafowl of different varieties and ages. Great if you are looking for photos!
- Bow's Peafowl Farm
Another site with many peafowl pictures. This one also includes some information and even has peafowl available for sale.
- NebGuide's Peafowl Page
This page includes information on peafowl breeds and description, mating
and egg production, incubation and brooding, and feeding and rearing.
- Animal Facts - Indian Peafowl
A very nice page that includes information about peafowl habitat, offers a
little of their history, and gives a good description of their features.
- Peafowl (Peacock and Peahen) Printout
A short page with a labeled drawing of a male peacock fanned out and a
little bit of information about the birds.
- Description of Peafowl Breeds and Mutations
This site gives descriptions of many of the different mutations and types of peafowl available today.
- New Zealand Birds Peafowl
A page describing a flock of tame turned wild peafowl that have
become to many a nuisance in a section of New Zealand, although many enjoy their presence.
Peafowl Facts Sheets
Personal Peafowl Sites
A very nice page about someone's personal experiences with many different
types of peafowl.
- Peacock Heaven
This site has many pictures of the webmaster's peafowl, and a little bit
about his experiences with them.
Miscellaneous Sites
Peacock Information Center
This site has tons of peafowl items for sale; including books, magazines,
peacock feather jewelry, feathers, eggs, and peachicks.
- Common Peafowl Stamps
A neat but otherwise useless page showing stamps from around the world
featuring the India Blue Peacock.
- Green Peafowl Stamps
Another page of stamps from around the world, this time showing the Green
- Congo Peafowl Stamps
More stamps, but this time showing the rare Congo Peacock. This page also has information about the African Congo Peafowl.
General Poulty Sites
Poultry Youth of America
A new online resource for junior poultry fanciers from around the world. Featuring an online article archive, message board, 24 hour support system and more.

This page last modified on Tuesday, October 7th, 2003
Amy's Peacock Paradise is © Amy Miller 2000-2003